
Sunday, February 26, 2012

You mean I have to smile on the sick days too?

For the past week and a half Emily and I have been just a teeny bit sick... runny noses and sore throats. But about four or so days ago James got really sick. He hardly ever gets sick but when he does it's pretty bad. If it's a cold, it's the worst a cold can be. So he's pretty bad right now. It's really not good timing either (when is it ever?) because he has work, school, and sleep that are all getting put on hold. He doesn't like it and won't stay home from work but otherwise I practically have to strap him in bed or else he's up trying to do stuff. If he doesn't rest he won't get better soon, if he doesn't do his homework he'll do bad in his classes, if he stays home from work he'll get upset over a small paycheck, but he can't sleep well because he can't breath through his nose and breathing through his mouth hurts his throat. Poor guy. He can't even talk right now.
Emily is better but still needy. I am feeling overwhelmed with my school and everything else. I don't get the rest I need because I'm a mom and it comes with the territory. But still, aside from being lonely, I'm actually doing ok. I am treading water in my classes and my house is suffering but things are going as well as they can under the circumstances.
Yesterday James let me buy some paper lunch bags so I could try a new craft I've been wanting to try for days. I have been having fun with that today. I realize that I have too many hobbies and they are all draining from our savings. I think it's time to stop them all together and try to find out about adding to our income instead of taking away from it. James wants me to keep up my hobbies because he realizes that they keep me company. But I need to find some hobbies that I enjoy that are more productive... like running or working out. Haha... I need to find a running buddy. That should be my next goal/hobby. I'll work on it. :)
Anyway... yes I can still smile through the hard times and yes I can make it through better than I went in. James and I have been having many conversations about planning for the future. The more we talk about it the more excited we get. I'm so close to graduating and then I can spend more time on other things that require my attention. James has a few years left but I'm here to cheer him on. We are together, unlike a few time in our married history, and we have our beautiful baby girl. We are happy.

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