
Sunday, February 26, 2012

You mean I have to smile on the sick days too?

For the past week and a half Emily and I have been just a teeny bit sick... runny noses and sore throats. But about four or so days ago James got really sick. He hardly ever gets sick but when he does it's pretty bad. If it's a cold, it's the worst a cold can be. So he's pretty bad right now. It's really not good timing either (when is it ever?) because he has work, school, and sleep that are all getting put on hold. He doesn't like it and won't stay home from work but otherwise I practically have to strap him in bed or else he's up trying to do stuff. If he doesn't rest he won't get better soon, if he doesn't do his homework he'll do bad in his classes, if he stays home from work he'll get upset over a small paycheck, but he can't sleep well because he can't breath through his nose and breathing through his mouth hurts his throat. Poor guy. He can't even talk right now.
Emily is better but still needy. I am feeling overwhelmed with my school and everything else. I don't get the rest I need because I'm a mom and it comes with the territory. But still, aside from being lonely, I'm actually doing ok. I am treading water in my classes and my house is suffering but things are going as well as they can under the circumstances.
Yesterday James let me buy some paper lunch bags so I could try a new craft I've been wanting to try for days. I have been having fun with that today. I realize that I have too many hobbies and they are all draining from our savings. I think it's time to stop them all together and try to find out about adding to our income instead of taking away from it. James wants me to keep up my hobbies because he realizes that they keep me company. But I need to find some hobbies that I enjoy that are more productive... like running or working out. Haha... I need to find a running buddy. That should be my next goal/hobby. I'll work on it. :)
Anyway... yes I can still smile through the hard times and yes I can make it through better than I went in. James and I have been having many conversations about planning for the future. The more we talk about it the more excited we get. I'm so close to graduating and then I can spend more time on other things that require my attention. James has a few years left but I'm here to cheer him on. We are together, unlike a few time in our married history, and we have our beautiful baby girl. We are happy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is more than just a "special day everyone gets to celebrate their love for another" for me and James, it's also our half year anniversary. Sadly, I haven't seen him at all today and won't. He got home at 7 this morning ( He bought me beautiful red roses) and went to bed. He got up at 1 where I feed him heart shaped mini-pizzas and he took off to school. He won't be back till about half an hour before he has to go to work. So I might see him tomorrow night or Thursday morning. That's life. That's life with my hard working Forever Valentine.

James has been so cute these past two weeks though. Because he thought he might forget, he got me roses a two weeks early, then chocolates a week early. But he remembered and I got more roses today. He shows me that he loves me even though he can't be here as much as either of us would like. But I am so proud of him for all that he does... and with out complaining too!

Emily has been a good girl all day and now has turned into a little screaming monster. Not sure how to turn that around and be happy about it. Well I guess she's developing her lungs for someday when I teach her to sing. There, I did it. :)

I have a craving for a deep fried chicken cordon bleu! That would be a yummy Valentine's Day dinner wouldn't it? With sour cream garlic mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus and snow peas! I can't wait for the someday when I can make that meal. Tee hee! Oh the things I could think up if I allowed myself. And I'd love to have people over to eat with us. I'm the kind of person who loves to cook for lots of people and not just myself. I like to make people happy through food. And music, and laughing, and, and, and... haha.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Something sweet....

My life is less than perfect. I have no doubt that everyone says that from time to time. Right now my house is a wreck, my homework is ridiculous, I never leave the house, I can't lose my baby weight, and my daughter is very needy right now. I don't really like it, but I remind myself almost hourly that is could be so much worse.

I'm not a hoarder with a house so full of trash you can't move around, the dishes just need to be washed and Emily's toys need to be put away and I should just straighten up my paperwork... I'm just be grateful I am able to get an education and I get to graduate after next semester!... I really do like staying home with Emily and I am grateful I don't have to work and be gone all day. ... I just re-read the Hunger Games and it made me think how glad I am that I'm not starving to death. I gain weight by just thinking about food and it is very hard for me to lose weight but at least I'm not starving.... And I get a baby who finally wants to snuggle. Yes she throws a few tantrums during the day...( which I will fix soon!!!!) and she is suddenly a very picky eater and she won't sleep by herself at night, BUT! I get a baby who I can snuggle and cuddle and hug and kiss and who hugs and kisses me back. Baby kisses fix the world!

I have to try hard to see something sweet in everyday life. I am usually pretty pessimistic and a born complainer but I don't want to be anymore. I am a daughter of God and I have no business looking down on and thinking I'm better than the trials He chooses to send me. Elder Holland said: Nothing is ever so bad that complaining about it won't make it worse... and I fully believe that. With the trials of life come sweet blessing and much happiness.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

As I Was Reading...

I was reading Sheri Dew's No One Can Take Your Place and I decided to try and view life a bit differently. This new blog is for every time I want to complain I come here to remember blessings. Sheri Dew quoted Marjory P. Hinckley a few times and there are some quotes I want to remember.

Make life an adventure.

Are there not days when you are simply overwhelmed by the blessings of the Lord?

The only way to get through life it to laugh your way through it.

Life is more than I thought it would be.

I really want to be the kind of person people think of when they think of happy people. Right now I feel like I just don't make a difference to anybody but my wonderful husband keeps reminding me of the good I do here at home and I guess that's what I need to remember.

I love my family. My husband is so great and kind and loving and my daughter is beautiful, sweet, and healthy. I have so many blessing to be thankful for and though it is so much easier to sit around and bemoan my lack of a social life or hate that I have to do homework, I should always try harder to see the good and count my blessings.