
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Trials... good or bad?

I have learned over the years of my life that life it tough.  It is hard, and many times unfair, discouraging, and a dang headache.  Right now, for me it's school.  Thank goodness there are only a few weeks left.  Five I think.  Whew... but they are so hard.  Another thing for me right now is having James in school and working full time.  I never see him.  He's either at work or asleep.  It's hard for me to feel like I never get to spend time with him and on top of that, I have to take care of Emily all day and try to squeeze my impossible amount of homework in.
But the great thing about life being tough is that you learn and grow from it.  These experiences, though perfectly horrendous, leave you better off than before.  I hope that my trials now will leave me a better person, a better mother, and a better wife.  I hope that I learn to be able to handle it when James gets a job in his field of study and more than likely will have to work more ridiculous hours.  I hope I learn to be more patient with kids.  Emily drives me crazy really easily right now and I hope it's only because I'm stressed with school.  After school is over I want to do all kinds of fun things with her that we aren't able to do now.  And if/when we add to our family numbers I want to be able to handle it better because of what I learn now.

Starting tomorrow I'm planning to add a new trial to my life.  I am starting the two week phase one fat flush Plan.  I have never dieted worth a darn before so this is going to be hard.  But I'm telling myself over and over again that I can do two weeks.  I can go from there too.  I want to lose weight bad enough that I know I can do this but it will be tough.  James said he'll do it with me so I have some support.  If I can get through this it will be one of the hardest things I've ever done but I want this!  And I know I can do it.  I will grow from this trial... I will grow thin!  Tee hee.  I am actually excited to have a trial!  Good luck to me.

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