
Monday, June 10, 2013

Sydney's Here!

At last I have a minute to write about my Sydney girl.  On Friday May 24 at 9 am James and I went to the hospital to see if the doctor could help Sydney want to come out and join the family.  Dr Redfern did something with a balloon in my cervix and the nurses started me on pitocin.  Having passed the original due date by two weeks and still only being at a 1, 70% effaced, and baby's head at a -2, inducing me was the only thing the doctor could think to do since we were trying for a VBAC. It worked! But it took 20 hours! Holy freaking long time! But at 5:13:25 am on Saturday 5-25-13 Sydney Jane Hudson joined our family.  Pretty calmly too.  She cried for a bit but I chose to do skin to skin and she snuggled down quickly. She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and at the time, due to a cone head she was 22 inches long. Once her head shrunk back down she was only 20 inches.

She has now been with us for two weeks and already she weighs a pound more than her birth weight.  She is such a chunker compared to Emily.  At two weeks Sydney is wearing clothes that Emily didn't wear till she was three months!  I'm not sure how to handle a baby that grows so fast! :)  But she is so beautiful and calm.  Just like Emily, she doesn't cry much.  She sleeps ,most of the time and when she is awake she just looks around.  She seems to really love looking into our faces.  She likes it when we talk to her.  I feel so blessed to have two beautiful girls.

James is loving it too.  He jokes that he hates girls but he comes home from work every night and the first thing he does is snuggle on the couch with all three of his girls.  He loves to get hugs and kisses and he loves to just sit and hold Emily and Sydney.

I think Sydney looks so much like James and almost just like Emily did when she was born.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Any Day Now!

So far I'm not a very good blogger.  Ha!  I guess I never really expected to be.  Anyway...

My original due date has come and gone.  After the 20 week ultrasound the doctor's thought she was too small to be that far so they bumped me back by two weeks.  So now she isn't due until the 27th and it's only the 16th.  Thanks to the Zofran, I have been a functioning mommy but lately I have had a lot of pain.  I'm carrying a ninja baby who loves to kick and squirm.  She loves my ribs and the nerves around my hip bones. So having to wait a few more days/weeks isn't fun.  But it will be over soon and I'll have another girly to play with.

Emily is such a big girl now.  She's almost 27 months and she talks like a pro.  most people say she sounds so grown up for her age.  She is still tiny.  Only in 18 month clothes.  Sometimes I wish she would never get any bigger because she is seriously so dang cute!, but I also can't wait to see how she grows up.  She loves the movie Tangled and practically has it memorized.  She also loves Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang, Singing in the Rain, & Avatar: the Last Air-Bender cartoons.  She has recently learned to sing the alphabet song, well, she gets the rhythm right and it sounds close but she has a hard time actually saying all the letters.  But it's still adorable.  And she loves to count. She used to count right... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.... but now for some reason she always says 1,3,4,7,9... it's funny.

James just finished another semester.  He did good on two out of his three classes and will retake the third class this summer.  after that he is good to go to MSU and do all of his accounting work.  I'm excited for him.  He's ready to move on with life.

Things are good. If little missy will favor us with her presence soon I'll be very happy :)  I'm excited for this summer. My sister is visiting my parents for the summer and I'll get to see her and her kids.  I might go visit my grandparents because they have never seen Emily and I'll want them to see the new girly.  That may or may not happen but I hope it does.  I haven't seen them since right after I got married.  Almost four years ago.  But all in all things are good and we are happy.  You can't really ask for better!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

All I do is catch up on here.

Well, since the last post our family has had so much going on.  The Holidays were wonderful. For Halloween we got pumpkins and Emily loved helping daddy pull the seeds and slime out.  For Thanksgiving Emily had her first airplane ride when we all went to see James' family in California. For Christmas we were all sick with colds but we had a great relaxing day. And we thought we were so thrifty when we realized that we got 11 movies for $31!  And the New Year has come and I will announce that we are expanding our family by two feet!  Haha yes indeed. We are expecting another little girl in May!  We couldn't be happier.
 I have been really sick again with this pregnancy but thankfully this time around I was given Zofran and I have been able to function. However I am still exhausted all the time and find that my patients is very thin.  Poor Emily has been in trouble a lot.  But since I've been so tired all the time we spend a lot of time cuddling and snuggling on my bed or rocking in the glider.  She loves it when I sing songs to her.  We sing lots of primary songs and hymns.  And sometimes we sing silly songs because they make her laugh.
 I have so many plans for re-arranging the baby room.  I'm going to have to get Emily a toddler bed and that is going to take up a lot of space.  I'll have to get her bed sheets and stuff for it too.  Oh boy.  This could be fun. Now I can go all out on girly things rather than have to go neutral!
James is working at a good job.  We are so lucky that he got this job.  Since we moved to Missouri he has been working at Wal-Mart.  He started out as an un-loader working from 4 pm to 1 am. Then once we moved to Springfield he worked and an overnight floor waxer.  He went in at 10 pm and got off at 7 am.  We really hated those days.  He had to get up and go to class after only getting a few hours of sleep during the day and then had to rush back to work after class.  It was pretty miserable fro us both.  We both had to sleep alone and Emily never got to see daddy.  Then James was offered the opportunity to work in the Wal-Mart Vision Center.  Now he works during the day and is home at night.  He takes on-line classes that help him be able to do it at his own pace (for the most part) and still lets him be home with us. So aside from a limited bank account (which everyone struggles with) we are doing pretty well.  Tomorrow we will have beat our family record by living in one place for a whole year!  Happy Anniversary to us :) We have a lot to be thankful for.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Catch Up and Good Things Are Coming.

Not two days after I graduated, my poor girly got a really bad fever.  She would cry and not sleep and not eat and she just wanted me to hold her.  I had no idea what was wrong.  I gave her baby Tylenol and sat and held her all she wanted.  I gave her tons of baths and lots of milk.  I found out a few days later that 6-8 teeth were coming in all at the same time.  No wonder my poor girly was so sick..  She now has all but two teeth.

Since graduating, she has learned to say so many words.  She has learned her body parts... eyes, ears, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, elbow, arm, fingers, toes, knee, foot,... and animal sounds.  She does best with dog (ruff) and lion ( roar).  But she gets such a kick out of being the center of attention.  She dances a lot.  She's learned to tumble and loves to show it off.  Now she tries to sing and dance at the same time.  James and I call each other dear and she has picked up on that and now calls "dear... dear" in her sweet, adorably cute little voice when she needs or wants something.  A few days ago I finally put away all of her 6-9 month clothes and pulled out her 12 month clothes.  Hilarious, considering she is almost 20 months. She's like a half sized person.  But she is happy and healthy and I'm saving money by not having to keep buying new clothes as fast.  It is also funny when I consider her cousin who is about 4 months younger than her who is seven inches taller and in 18-24 month clothes.  But then again, James and I are fairly short people.  It's certain that all of our children will be fairly short as well.

So the good things that are coming... General Conference this weekend, my youngest brother is going on  a mission in two weeks or so, Halloween, James birthday in November, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.  We are so excited for the holidays this year.  Once again we have our own place and we intend to start family traditions.  Last year after the Christmas season we went to Wal-Mart at about 5 am and bought all the decorations that were 50% off.  We have so much stuff now and we are so excited to put it all out.  James wanted to start decorating a few weeks ago but I told him we need to decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving first.  But as we have no decorations for those holidays, and won't till after they go on sale this year, we probably won't decorate much..  I'll just have to go buy a seasonal smelling candle and bake some banana bread (since I have a freezer full of bananas).  Maybe get a pumpkin!  Ah, I love the holidays. I can hardly wait.  I am so glad to have my family and I am so excited for the future as we star our family traditions and set goals.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Really? Oh Boy...

There are so many times when I just have to sit back and force myself to remember to count my blessings.  The times when all I want to do is whine about how hard and unfair life is.  And not just for me.  I want to complain for my husband who pretty much never complains and I want to complain for my friends who have problems.  But those are also the times when I have to remember that life is hard and be honest with myself that life is good.  Things have been very good for us so far in our married life.  Somehow things always work out.  True things are rough but they work out.  Things are going to get really rough here soon because we won't be receiving FAFSA anymore.  I will be graduating in two weeks or so and then I will have to start paying off my loans on top of James not getting anymore loans because he has too many credits.  And we really don't make enough money to cover school and living expenses.  So things are going to be rough and interesting.  I foresee a lot of fasting and prayer in our near future.
 But speaking of graduating... Yahoo!  After 7 years I finally did it.  I am so excited.  I have many plans for spending more time with, and giving more attention to my sweet little girly.  She has had to be so patient with mommy and daddy as we work and go to school.  She has handled it surprisingly well, and only been a monster for the past two months rather than the whole time.  I can't wait for these last few weeks to go by so I can shower her with the attention she wants.  She growing up so fast.  She learns most of her words through sign language.  We started teaching her signs when she was teensy and that is her main form of communication.  It is so fun to watch her make connections with the sign and the actual thing.  She's amazing.  Now if we could only get her to say more words.  I don't know if it is just me as her mom, but I think she is pretty advanced.  She makes so many advances before I can catch them and go through the milestone with her.  I feel a little like I'm missing out on a few things.  She suddenly has 8 teeth and I have no idea when the last two came in.  She dances like a pro. She's trying to sing now and that makes me so happy.  I love my beautiful little baby.  She makes my life so rich... and trying.  She drives me crazy and makes me fall in love with her again and again so many times a day.  She is beautiful and sweet.  She gives the best hugs, she even pats me on the back when she hugs, and the best kisses.  She has a smile that melts my heart.  My favorite part of each day is going to get her when she wakes up and smiles when she sees me, and reaches out for me to hold her.  I think of all those magic moments when she suddenly turns into the tiny, havoc reeking monster.  

So all in all, life is hard, we will survive, and I love being a mom even though it can all be pretty trying.

P.S. the last post was supposed to be titled "TRIALS" not trails.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Trials... good or bad?

I have learned over the years of my life that life it tough.  It is hard, and many times unfair, discouraging, and a dang headache.  Right now, for me it's school.  Thank goodness there are only a few weeks left.  Five I think.  Whew... but they are so hard.  Another thing for me right now is having James in school and working full time.  I never see him.  He's either at work or asleep.  It's hard for me to feel like I never get to spend time with him and on top of that, I have to take care of Emily all day and try to squeeze my impossible amount of homework in.
But the great thing about life being tough is that you learn and grow from it.  These experiences, though perfectly horrendous, leave you better off than before.  I hope that my trials now will leave me a better person, a better mother, and a better wife.  I hope that I learn to be able to handle it when James gets a job in his field of study and more than likely will have to work more ridiculous hours.  I hope I learn to be more patient with kids.  Emily drives me crazy really easily right now and I hope it's only because I'm stressed with school.  After school is over I want to do all kinds of fun things with her that we aren't able to do now.  And if/when we add to our family numbers I want to be able to handle it better because of what I learn now.

Starting tomorrow I'm planning to add a new trial to my life.  I am starting the two week phase one fat flush Plan.  I have never dieted worth a darn before so this is going to be hard.  But I'm telling myself over and over again that I can do two weeks.  I can go from there too.  I want to lose weight bad enough that I know I can do this but it will be tough.  James said he'll do it with me so I have some support.  If I can get through this it will be one of the hardest things I've ever done but I want this!  And I know I can do it.  I will grow from this trial... I will grow thin!  Tee hee.  I am actually excited to have a trial!  Good luck to me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I love running. Ok so I pretty much waddle (slow jog) right now but I'm getting better. I like the feeling of pushing myself and accomplishing something hard. I have been going to the park three mornings a week with a friend and I have enjoyed it. It wasn't always fun, that's for sure. I get over heated or something and feel like I'm going to be sick or else I get a horrible cramp in my side. And still... I love it anyway!
But the sad news came today that my friend can't go run with me any more because of schedule changes and I have no one to run with. And I can't run alone in this town... that's just dumb whoever and where ever you are. So... my wonderful husband wants to get me a treadmill. We are looking into it have found the one we want but we really don't have a way to get it into our house. The doors are all too small and the box is huge! Well I guess we'd have to unpack it outside and bring the pieces in and put them together. Crazy. We'll see how this goes. But I am excited to be able to keep running even if it's not outside in the fresh morning air anymore. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can run a 5k without much trouble. So far the longest I've actually run in one stretch is 90 seconds. Not far at all. But that's better than nothing and I'm working my way up! That's what counts!